Year: 2021

Somaliland: One of the Colonial Creation Countries in Africa

Somaliland: One of the Colonial Creation Countries in Africa

Before the Europeans set foot in the Horn of Africa, there was no Somali state whatsoever in the region, other than self-governing clans, some of which were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire such as Berbera and Zeila cities Continue reading “Somaliland: One of the Colonial Creation Countries in Africa”

Somaliland’s Dilemma in Dealing with Djibouti Following the Fall of Somali Republic

Somaliland's Dilemma in Dealing with Djibouti Following the Fall of Somali Republic

They say, “When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Ismail Omer Gelleh is out to cripple Somaliland foreign policy as always. The black fox is meddling in the internal affairs as well, and the Ethio-Egyptian troubled diplomatic relations over the Nile caused emotional incontinence, stress buildup and frustration in Somaliland’s authorities. Continue reading “Somaliland’s Dilemma in Dealing with Djibouti Following the Fall of Somali Republic”