Month: May 2021

How China, Turkey & Russia Influence the Media in Africa

How China, Turkey & Russia Influence the Media in Africa

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is an independent, non-profit German political foundation that aims to strengthen democratic forces around the world. KAS runs media programs in Africa, Asia and South East Europe. KAS Media Africa believes that a free and independent media is crucial for democracy. As such, it is committed to the development and maintenance of a diverse media landscape on the continent, the monitoring role of journalism, as well as ethically based political communication. Continue reading “How China, Turkey & Russia Influence the Media in Africa”

Handarab-ism: Corruption Mitigating Concept Pioneered by Bihi Presidency


Handarab-ism: Corruption Mitigating Concept Pioneered by Bihi Presidency

When President Muse Bihi Abdi won the presidency of the Republic of Somaliland, the consensus of Somaliland people was under the impression and believe that his government would be a replica no different than its predecessor administration about to be replaced – the ruling Kulmiye party that has been in power over the last 10 years leading to 2017 as he is a piece and parcel of it.
Continue reading “Handarab-ism: Corruption Mitigating Concept Pioneered by Bihi Presidency”

Golaha Wakiillada Cusub ee Somaliland Maxaa Laga Rabaa?

Golaha Wakiillada Cusub ee Somaliland Maxaa Laga Rabaa?

Mudo ka badan 15 sanadood laga bilaabo 2005 waa doorashadii ugu horeysey ee Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland (House of Representatives) ee la qabto. Doorashadan cusub waxay ku beegan tahay inay qabsoonto bishan May 31 keeda, iyadoo noqon doonta marki ugu horeysay ee laba doorasho oo isku sidkan ama isa saaran oo kala ah Golaha Wakiilada iyo Golayaasha Deeganka – caasimada Hargeisa iyo magaaloyinka darajooyinka A, B, iyo C ah – la qorsheeyey qabsoomintooda. Continue reading “Golaha Wakiillada Cusub ee Somaliland Maxaa Laga Rabaa?”