Tag: Awdal

Somaliland People Must Put Aside Differences to Engage with G21’s Plot

Somaliland People Must Put Aside Differences to Engage with G21’s Plot

In 2017, a political shift occurred in the Horn of Africa that set off a chain of events with repercussions felt far and wide. The election of Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, popularly known as Farmaajo, as the president of Somalia, was the match that lit the fuse. Continue reading “Somaliland People Must Put Aside Differences to Engage with G21’s Plot”

In the Light of Upcoming Elections, Looking Back the Transition to Direct Elections in Somaliland

In the Light of Upcoming Elections, Looking Back the Transition to Direct Elections in Somaliland

Somaliland transitioned from indirect to direct elections in 2002. Since then, it has successfully conducted two House of Representatives (HoR) elections in 2005 and 2021, three Local Government elections in 2002, 2012, and 2021, and three Presidential elections in 2003, 2010, and 2017. Continue reading “In the Light of Upcoming Elections, Looking Back the Transition to Direct Elections in Somaliland”

Onset of Voter Registration Signals End of Political Stalemate to Elections in Somaliland

Onset of Voter Registration Signals End of Political Stalemate to Elections in Somaliland

Under the Somaliland constitution, the political parties are allowed to serve a maximum of 10 years in office, and the tenure of the current three national political parties in Somaliland – the ruling Kulmiye, UCID, and Wadani – expired in December of 2022. The scheduled date for the Somaliland presidential election was in November 2022 Continue reading “Onset of Voter Registration Signals End of Political Stalemate to Elections in Somaliland”