Tag: Kaahin

Rebels at Ga’an Libah Mountain Surprise Attack Killing 19 in Sahil Region of Somaliland

Rebels at Ga’an Libah Mountain Surprise Attack Killing 19 in Sahil Region of Somaliland

Somaliland Interior Minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed and Somaliland Police Commissioner Mohammed Adam Saqadhi spoke to the press on Friday in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, and gave details of the clash between the Lion Mountain Rebels and the police in the Sahel region of Somaliland as well as today’s protests in the major cities of Somaliland connected with this new turn of events. Continue reading “Rebels at Ga’an Libah Mountain Surprise Attack Killing 19 in Sahil Region of Somaliland”

Various Reactions to the Election Timelines Announced by the Somaliland NEC

Various Reactions to the Election Timelines Announced by the Somaliland NEC

According to the released schedule by the Somaliland National Electoral Commission, the political parties and associations election is planned to be held on the 28th of December, 2023, trailed by the presidential election slated the 13th of November, 2024. Continue reading “Various Reactions to the Election Timelines Announced by the Somaliland NEC”

Service Identity Cards for Living SNM Veterans

Service Identity Cards for Living SNM Veterans

Somaliland Minister of Interior- Mohamed Kahin Ahmed – who spoke at an event marking the 38th anniversary commemorating the SNM Veterans Day, which is celebrated every year on the 17th day of October, said that the veterans who are now alive and were among the freedom fighters who liberated this country will be given service identity cards, to secure their rights in the country Continue reading “Service Identity Cards for Living SNM Veterans”