Tag: Las Anod

Horn Region & Beyond on Fire for Delaying Somaliland’s Recognition

Horn Region & Beyond on Fire for Delaying Somaliland's Recognition

Somaliland is a victim of its own success in promoting democracy and peace in the region and establishing ties with Taiwan and the United States.
Somaliland is a victim of its own success in maintaining peace in the region by providing free border security for neighboring countries, offering protection for ships traveling through its sea, and not allowing piracy and terrorist organizations to establish bases in Somaliland. Continue reading “Horn Region & Beyond on Fire for Delaying Somaliland’s Recognition”

US Navy Seals Trainees Aiding Al-Shabab in the Eastern Somaliland Conflict

US Navy Seals Trainees Aiding Al-Shabab in the Eastern Somaliland Conflict

The uprising that began in Las Anod in response to recent extrajudicial deaths and later expanded into a larger movement for locals’ concerns about the Somaliland government’s executive branch has exposed how the US policy of “One Somalia” is out of touch with local reality as well as the covert relationship and cooperation between the ragtag military of South Somalia and the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab. Continue reading “US Navy Seals Trainees Aiding Al-Shabab in the Eastern Somaliland Conflict”

The Win-win Solution to Las Anod Crisis

The Win-win Solution to Las Anod Crisis

Can war be the solution to bring peace in certain instances? History appears to answer this provocative question with a heretical yes.

Continue reading “The Win-win Solution to Las Anod Crisis”

Position Paper: Somaliland Strategic Advisory Group (SL-SAG)

Position Paper: Somaliland Strategic Advisory Group (SL-SAG)

Somaliland is a beacon of hope in a region riddled with dictators, civil wars and terrorist organizations. However, the recurrent killings in Las Anod region, has been a thorn on the side of the peace loving Somalilanders. Continue reading “Position Paper: Somaliland Strategic Advisory Group (SL-SAG)”

President Bihi’s Remarks on Las Anod

President Bihi’s Remarks on Las Anod

We have just concluded a meeting attended by leaders of the Guurti (Upper House), the Parliament (Lower House), all Security Agencies, and relevant members of the Ministerial Council, as well as other prominent figures who are well informed about the situation of Las Anod Continue reading “President Bihi’s Remarks on Las Anod”