Tag: Siad Barre

The Late Journalist Madar Abdi Ahmed Buried in Hargeisa, Somaliland

The Late Journalist Madar Abdi Ahmed Buried in Hargeisa, Somaliland

May Allah Almighty rest in peace, the funeral was held today in Hargeisa for the late journalist Madar Abdi Ahmed, who passed away yesterday in a hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Continue reading “The Late Journalist Madar Abdi Ahmed Buried in Hargeisa, Somaliland”

How Italy Aided in the Ruin of Somalia & Fighting SNM

How Italy Aided in the Ruin of Somalia & Fighting SNM

The agony of Somalia has its roots in the endemic political corruption of Italy. Throughout the 1980s, Italian politicians and businessmen used the country, once a colony of Italy’s, as a playground for huge construction projects that either did little to help the local population or actually disrupted and damaged Somalian society. Continue reading “How Italy Aided in the Ruin of Somalia & Fighting SNM”