Irro Chose Respiratory Therapist Posing as Physician to Head the Somaliland Ministry of Health
Breaking investigative report: When did the health portfolio appointee start practicing medicine as a medical doctor? The answer will surprise you.
Government agencies in the United States and Western Europe keep information known as “public records” in order to safeguard the public interest and stop fraud with false credentials.
This kind of information is readily available online, and even those without internet connection can get in touch with the agencies to confirm the accuracy of a claim made by an individual or organization.
Professionals from the Somaliland diaspora who return to the country to seek political positions can be readily screened to confirm their credentials to find if possessing the credentials and qualifications needed for any particular occupations or positions.
Regretfully, the new Somaliland government under President Cirro is either unwilling or unable to confirm the qualifications of those it selects to serve in its cabinet in order to make sure they are qualified for their roles.
The cabinet member nominated to the Somaliland Ministry of Health who poses as a U.S. physician is a prime example. In actuality, though, he is an RCP, or “Respiratory Care Professional.”
His license number, 7656, which he initially acquired on June 1st, 2010, is still in effect. He works at Piedmont Eastside Medical Center, which is situated at 1700 Medical Way, Snellville, GA 30078, in Snellville, Georgia.
Anyone can readily access this personal information on the Georgia Composite Medical Board website.
“Allied or Related Health Professions” includes the following: Clinical Laboratory Profession, Radiology Technician Profession, Occupational Therapy Profession, Physical Therapy Profession, so and so on.
Therefore, these professions do not equate to being a doctor.
It is necessary to inquire as to whether the minister thinks he can deceive the public and the number of other cabinet members who share this belief.
Follow these below steps to easily verify yourself that cabinet member’s claim is a flagrant misrepresentation that has to be questionable.
Go and visit below link for the website where you can verify the licenses of medical professionals in Georgia State, USA.
Click start new search and enter “Hersi” the space for the last name. Then click the captcha space to tell you are human not a robot.
The search results would be displayed and one of the names is:
Hussein Bashir Hersi in Snellville Georgia, with an active profession of “Respiratory Care Profession”
Had he been credentialed as medical doctor, the search results would have indicated so.
Can someone who has made false claims about his qualifications and expertise truly carry out the obligations assigned to him as a minister? The answer is clear and it is no.The Somaliland public are waiting to see what President Irro would do in light of this proof.
The Somaliland Constitution stipulates that each cabinet member must appear before the Somaliland House of Representatives to approve their nominations and have their credentials and documents checked to make sure they are authentic and have been issued by a recognized and legitimate organization in compliance with the law.
The goal of this process is to make sure that the ministers’ backgrounds, education, and abilities align with the role to which they have been asked to serve. It is anticipated that the House of Representatives would bring up this false portrayal of himself to the minister nominated to the Ministry of Health and inquire as to the reasons for it.
The free and responsible media aids and educates elected officials by revealing facts that are concealed from elected authorities. It will occasionally lead them back to the rule of law, even if they themselves stray from it.