Mustafe Qodax: A Mole Inside Ruling Party Kulmiye

Mustafe Qodax: A Mole Inside Kulmiye Ruling Party
As Somaliland stands at a crucial crossroads in its history, the story of Mustafa Qodax and his co-conspirator, Muse Bihi, should serve as a sobering reminder of the hidden agendas that have plagued our nation’s leadership. What we uncover today is not just a betrayal of political office, but a betrayal of the people’s trust, a betrayal of Somaliland’ sovereignty.

Mustafa Qodax, once a trusted figure in Somaliland media landscape, was appointed in 2015 by then President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo as deputy head of Somaliland National Television. From this position, he was meant to champion Somaliland ideals, amplify our values, and reflect the aspirations of our people. Yet, in November 2016, Qodax vanished from the public eye. When asked where Qodax had gone, then Minister of Information Cabdilaahi Saxardiid Caddaani relayed that, “when he was leaving Hargeisa, I asked him where he was going and he replied that he was going to attend a wedding in Djibouti.” The truth, however, was far more sinister, Qodax had secretly been summoned to Mogadishu by Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to assist in his re-election campaign, abandoning the very nation he had pledged to serve.
This was no innocent political manoeuvre. It later came to light that Muse Bihi, then positioning himself to assume power, was deeply involved in this deceit. Working closely with the president of Somalia Hassan Sheikh, Bihi had orchestrated Qodax’s move, using him as a pawn to support Hassan Sheikh’s ambitions
By early 2017, Mustafa Qodax’s intentions had become all too clear when he ran for the leadership of Somalia’s Senate. Though his bid ended in humiliation, securing only nine votes, the damage was done. Qodax had publicly denounced Somaliland existence, actively campaigning to force us under Somalia’s rule. He didn’t stop at rhetoric, either, he worked closely with then President of Somalia Mohamed Farmaajo to push for a trade embargo against Somaliland, attempting to suffocate our economy and break our will.
But here is where Somaliland true strength lies, not in the actions of deceitful leaders, but in the unwavering resolve of its people. For decades, we have fought to carve out our own path, to build a nation founded on the principles of self-determination and independence. And now, in the face of these betrayals, we must once again rise to defend the future of our nation.
Just tonight, Qodax appeared in an unorganized and chaotic Kulmiye X space, where he was welcomed to spew his hatred and divisive rhetoric, still proudly bearing his true beliefs with Somalia in his bio for all to see. It is clear that, despite his false proclamations, Qodax’s loyalty remains tied to Somalia, and Muse Bihi continues to embrace this treachery as part of his own agenda.
It is not hard to see how Muse Bihi and Mustafa Qodax have continued to align themselves with forces working against Somaliland’s sovereignty. After completing his tenure in Somalia, Qodax returned to Somaliland, not as a repentant man, but as a close ally of Muse Bihi, who had by then assumed the presidency. Together, they put together a new plan to secure Bihi’s re-election, with Qodax now heading his campaign.
In April 2023, Muse Bihi, with the assistance of Mustafa Qodax, welcomed a delegation from Somalia, sent by Hassan Sheikh under the banner of “Irir Samaale,” bearing the Somalia flag. It is a stark and unmissable signal of where Bihi’s loyalties truly lie. While he publicly claims to fight for Somaliland independence, behind the scenes he aligns himself with those who openly work toward joining us with Somalia.
What does this tell us about the true nature of Muse Bihi’s leadership? Can we trust a man who allows those who have openly betrayed Somaliland to hold positions of power, a man who welcomes back traitors and elevates them to positions of influence? For years, Muse Bihi has spoken the language of independence, but his actions tell a different story, a story of betrayal, of compromise, and of collaboration with those who seek to dismantle the very foundations of our state.
Now, with the election campaign in full swing, Qodax has had the audacity to label the opposition as traitors. This is the very man who stood shoulder to shoulder with our enemies, including the likes of Somalia’s presidents Farmaajo and Hassan Sheikh, working tirelessly against Somaliland interests, now attempting to deflect attention from his own treachery by slandering those who truly stand for our sovereignty. But we, the people of Somaliland, are not so easily deceived. We see through these lies. We know who the real traitors are.
The upcoming elections are not just a contest of political parties; they are a battle for the soul of Somaliland. Muse Bihi and his allies have shown us their vision, a vision of compromise, of alignment with Somalia, of betrayal of the ideals we hold dear. But there is another path, a path of true independence, of leadership that stands firm in the face of external pressures, and that fights for the rights and dignity of all Somalilanders.
As we approach election day, it is critical that we choose leaders who will defend our nation, not those who conspire against it. Leaders who will uphold the values of freedom and independence, not those who secretly work with Somalia to undermine them. Somaliland future is too important to be left in the hands of those who have proven time and again that they cannot be trusted.
In just 40 days, Somalilanders will have the chance to chart a new course for our nation. The time for complacency is over. We must act decisively, choosing a leader who will fight for our sovereignty and who will never compromise the future of Somaliland for personal gain.
Muse Bihi and Mustafa Qodax have had their chance, and they have betrayed us. Now is the time for new leadership, for fresh ideas, and for a steadfast commitment to preserving Somaliland independence, ensuring that our sovereignty is protected at all costs.
Let us not be fooled again. In 40 days, the power is in our hands. Let us use it wisely, for the future of Somaliland depends on it