Tag: DP World

South Africa Should be 2nd in Line Recognizing Somaliland, Following Ethiopia’s Historic Move

South Africa Should be 2nd in Line Recognizing Somaliland, Following Ethiopia’s Historic Move

This article examines why South Africa could be the second country or first-line countries that recognizes Somaliland as an independent and sovereign state after Ethiopia and what the push is to include those countries. Continue reading “South Africa Should be 2nd in Line Recognizing Somaliland, Following Ethiopia’s Historic Move”

Somaliland’s Resilience Deserves International Recognition

Somaliland’s Resilience Deserves International Recognition

In a world brimming with headlines of conflict and chaos, one often overlooked success story is Somaliland, which has defied the odds, transitioning from a post-conflict territory to a thriving, independent nation. Continue reading “Somaliland’s Resilience Deserves International Recognition”

DP World Berbera at COP28 in Dubai

DP World Berbera at COP28 in Dubai

On 4 December 2023

Transforming Trade in Somaliland:

Documentary Screening & Discussion

14:00-15:30 GST | DP World House, Energy Transition Hub, Green Zone, EXPO City



Session description:

The development of the Port of Berbera in Somaliland.


Abdishakur Iddin, Mayor, Berbera, Somaliland

Shukri Haji Ismail Mohamoud, Minister of Environment and Climate, Republic of Somaliland

Nicholas O’Donohoe, CEO, British International Investment

Aisha Eliza Speirs, Creative Director & Executive Editor, The Trust, The Wall Street Journal Barron’s Group (Dow Jones)

Berbera Economic Zone Officially Inaugurated

Berbera Economic Zone Officially Inaugurated

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