Tag: Somaliland
DP World Berbera: Trade Brings Hope for Somaliland
DP World Berbera: Trade Brings Hope for Somaliland
Connecting Sheikh Secondary Students with Mentors at St Paul’s in London
Connecting Sheikh Secondary Students with Mentors at St Paul’s in London
Maayir Mooge: Ma Siyaasi Danaystaa Mise Waa Halyey Qaran?
Maayir Mooge: Ma Siyaasi Danaystaa Mise Waa Halyey Qaran?
Maqaalkan oo Af Ingiriisi ah halkan ka AKHRISO
Shakhsi jaceylka si indho la’aana loo aamino iyo rumeysiga hadallo madhan waxay noqdeen aafo soo ifbaxday mudadii uu Madaxweyne Muse Bihi xilka hayey, lagana yaabo inay ka dhigaan Madaxweynihii ugu xumaa tan iyo dib-u-dhiskii Jamhuuriyadeenna Somaliland. Inkasta oo aynaan dul istaageyn burburka tareenka uu wado Madaxweyne Muse Bixi iyo halka uu kaga jiri doono buugaagta sooyaalka taarikhda, qoraalkan nuxurkiisu wuxuu yahay in dadweynaha Reer Somailand ay yeesheen dhaqan cusub oo ah inay dabogalaan ash-khaasta hadaladda macaan ee aan micnaha badan lahayn ku hadaaqa.
Continue reading “Maayir Mooge: Ma Siyaasi Danaystaa Mise Waa Halyey Qaran?”
Somaliland People Must Put Aside Differences to Engage with G21’s Plot
Somaliland People Must Put Aside Differences to Engage with G21’s Plot
In 2017, a political shift occurred in the Horn of Africa that set off a chain of events with repercussions felt far and wide. The election of Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, popularly known as Farmaajo, as the president of Somalia, was the match that lit the fuse. Continue reading “Somaliland People Must Put Aside Differences to Engage with G21’s Plot”
The Weekly Horn Tribune Sunday 29 October Edition
The Weekly Horn Tribune Sunday 29 October Edition
Click link below to access the latest weekly edition of The Horn Tribune published by the Somaliland government’s Dawan Media
Is Somaliland Slowly Becoming a New Cold War Battleground?
Is Somaliland Slowly Becoming a New Cold War Battleground?
Continue reading “Is Somaliland Slowly Becoming a New Cold War Battleground?”
Ethiopia Mulling Expanding Its Border to the Red Sea
Ethiopia Mulling Expanding Its Border to the Red Sea
PM Abiy Ahmed: “It Is Impossible For 150 Million People To Be Without Port”
PM Abiy Ahmed: “It Is Impossible For 150 Million People To Be Without Port”
In a televised speech addressed to Ethiopian law makers, and in what appears to be his first ever open comment on the issue of the Red sea, PM Abiy Ahmed said access to the port is an existential matter for Ethiopia and that Ethiopians should at least start discussing the red sea. Continue reading “PM Abiy Ahmed: “It Is Impossible For 150 Million People To Be Without Port””
China’s Footprints in Somaliland Insurgency Emerges
China’s Footprints in Somaliland Insurgency Emerges
The encounter between the Chinese Representative in Mogadishu, Somalia, and the head of the insurgency in Las Anod fills two needs for the Chinese government: to scare Somaliland by pushing them to disavow Taiwan, and to convey a message to the US that they likewise have a presence in Somaliland. Continue reading “China’s Footprints in Somaliland Insurgency Emerges”