Month: September 2020

Ballot for Upcoming Elections must Include Referendum Statement on Dissolving the Union with Somalia

Ballot for Upcoming Elections must Include Referendum Statement on Dissolving the Union with Somalia

Somaliland has held a referendum in 2001 throughout the country for ratifying the new constitution. That referendum was designed for the approval of the Somaliland Constitution, but it never intended to help the Somaliland case of dissolving its union with Italian Somalia. Continue reading “Ballot for Upcoming Elections must Include Referendum Statement on Dissolving the Union with Somalia”

Dufcaddii 1aad ee ka Qalinjabisa Kulliyadda Tababarka Macallimiinta Qaranka

Dufcaddii 1aad ee ka Qalinjabisa Kulliyadda Tababarka Macallimiinta Qaranka

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa maanta ka qaybgalay munaasibad ballaadhan oo ay ku qalin-jabiyeen 400 (Afar boqol) oo macallin oo ah dufcaddii koowaad ee ka baxda kulliyadda tababarka macallimiinta qaranka, ee ku taala duleedka waqooyi ee caasimadda Hargeysa. Continue reading “Dufcaddii 1aad ee ka Qalinjabisa Kulliyadda Tababarka Macallimiinta Qaranka”

First Batch to Graduate from the National Teachers Training College

Dufcaddii 1aad ee ka Qalinjabisa Kulliyadda Tababarka Macallimiinta Qaranka

The President of the Somaliland Republic – HE Muse Bihi Abdi – attended the graduation ceremony of 400 (four hundred) teachers, the first batch of graduates from the National Teachers Training College, located on the northern outskirts of the capital city Hargeisa. Continue reading “First Batch to Graduate from the National Teachers Training College”

Rethinking Secondary Education in Africa

Rethinking Secondary Education in Africa

Secondary education is critical to achieving the vision of economic transformation laid out in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. But current indicators suggest that most countries are far from realizing this promise. Access, while increasing, remains low compared to other regions and considerable inequities for girls and youth in rural areas persist. Beyond access, measures of learning and relevance of curricula indicate that youth are not graduating with the skills they need to navigate transitions to work. Continue reading “Rethinking Secondary Education in Africa”

سياسة التعليم في صوماليلاند لا تلبي احتياجات البلد

سياسة التعليم في صوماليلاند لا تلبي احتياجات البلد

وبينما كان لديّ الوقت للتعليق على سياسة التعليم في أرض الصومال، فقد عثرت على هذه الرسالة المفتوحة الموجهة إلى وزير التعليم، مما زاد من قلقي.
100- وبما أن التعليم يلعب دوراً هاماً في حياة الفرد والمجتمع، وكذلك في التنمية والتقدم في كل بلد، يجب أن تُصمَّم السياسة التعليمية بطريقة تمكنها من توجيه نظام التعليم ومكوناته الأساسية بكفاءة لتلبية الاحتياجات في البلد.
ولا تتماشى السياسة الحالية المتبعة في التعليم العالي على وجه الخصوص مع الأولويات الأساسية لكل من المجتمع والأمة. ولم تخلق سوى سوق مزدهرة للمعلمين والأساتذة الأجانب واستنزاف جيوب طلاب أرض الصومال وأولياء أمورهم دون إعدادهم للعمل ولا للحياة كما هو متوقع Continue reading “سياسة التعليم في صوماليلاند لا تلبي احتياجات البلد”

Siyaasadda Waxbarasho ee Somaliland uma Adeegeyso Qarankan

Siyaasadda Waxbarasho ee Somaliland uma Adeegeyso Qarankan

(Qoraalkan  isagoo Af Ingiriisi ku soo baxay halkan iyo halkan ka akhriso)

Aniga oo maanka ku hayey in muddo ah  in aan ka faalloodo Siyaasadda Waxbarashada ee Somaliland, ayaan la kulmay warqaddan furan ee ku socota Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, taas oo sii xoojisey werwerkii aan hreba u qabey. Continue reading “Siyaasadda Waxbarasho ee Somaliland uma Adeegeyso Qarankan”

Somaliland Education Policy isn’t Catering for the Country

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While having in mind for some time now to comment on the Somaliland Education Policy, I stumbled upon this open letter to the Minister of Education, which heightened my concern. 

As education plays an important role in the life of the individual and in the society, as well as in the development and progress of each country, the Education Policy must be designed in a way that it can efficiently guide the education system and its basic components to cater for the needs in the country. Continue reading “Somaliland Education Policy isn’t Catering for the Country”

The State of Energy in Somaliland

The State of Energy in Somaliland

SLPA Q3 Analytical Op-Ed- by Engineer Abdisamed Artan
Somaliland’s State of Energy

Developing countries have one large need limiting their ability to progress and advance – access to affordable, reliable, and clean energy. After all, companies and societies cannot thrive sustainably without access to reasonable electricity and petroleum products. While this pressing issue happens in developing countries around the world, one prime example is Somaliland, where electricity and petroleum products are priced higher than those in their peer countries. Continue reading “The State of Energy in Somaliland”