Las Geel Ancient Rock Art Attracting Global Tourists

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Las Geel Ancient Rock Art Attracting Global Tourists

Las Geel, an archaeological site, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Somaliland Republic in the Horn of Africa. The site consists of a series of rock shelters and caves that contain some of the oldest and most well-preserved rock art in Africa. The paintings, which date back to between 3,500 and 2,500 BC, depict cattle, humans, and other animals. The cattle are often shown wearing decorative robes and neck ornaments, suggesting that they were important to the people who created the paintings


The rock art at Las Geel was discovered in 2002 by a French archaeological team led by Xavier Gutherz. It was a significant find as it revealed a well-preserved collection of ancient artwork that had been hidden for thousands of years. The paintings depict a variety of subjects, including humans, animals, and abstract symbols.

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