Minnesotans Call for Somaliland Support

Minnesotans Call for Somaliland Support

”A call to Minnesota US congressional members”

You must be resolute in the defense of your country as your enemies working hard restlessly to destroy it.


Somaliland’s enemies in the US are fighting a war and campaign against Somaliland, hence the action taken by the Somaliland people residing in Minnesota state is an admirable move that other Somaliland communities living in other states in the US should replicate..

This draft may serve as a template for other Somaliland communities to seek the support of their senators and representatives for Somaliland.

The Honorable Senator Amy Klobuchar, Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Senator Tina Smith, Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable House Representatives Angie Craig, Washington D.C. 20515
The Honorable House Representatives Dean Phillips, Washington D.C. 20515
The Honorable House Representatives Betty McCollum, Washington D.C. 20515
The Honorable House Representatives Ilhan Omar, Washington D.C. 2051

There is an effort underway to undermine provisions of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as it pertains to strengthening US-Somaliland cooperation.

Specifically, critics of this law argue that recent unrest in Las Anod, Somaliland, is a cause to negate the Somaliland provisions of the NDAA.

They are wrong. Las Anod had long enjoyed stability, social progress, and development. The violence in Las Anod is the result of two factors: First, Al Shabab terrorists infiltrated into the area from Somalia. Second, the unrest reflects a preplanned attempt by some Somalis to halt growing US ties to Somaliland. Some of these forces planned the current disturbances at a December 2022 conference in Jigjiga, the capital of the Somali region of Ethiopia.

Despite this localized conflict, Somaliland remains the most peaceful, most stable and most democratic country in the Horn of Africa. There has been no terrorism in Somaliland for 15 years and no piracy in its waters. As a nation, Somaliland enjoys friendly if unofficial relations with the United States.

Somaliland also supports Taiwan and resists China’s attempts to subvert the continent. We call on the United States to assist Somaliland’s fight against terrorism and to help support those displaced by the recent fighting.

We urge the Honorable members of the Senate as well as of the House from our great State of Minnesota to continue to support Somaliland as it develops its democracy and to ensure the development of US-Somaliland security collaboration as the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023 requires.

Thank you.
Somaliland American Community in Minnesota

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